Vic Kids Eat Well (VKEW) is an exciting new state-wide movement that’s focused on transforming the food and drink environments where kids spend their time. To do this, we are working with Schools, Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) and a wide range of community organisations – such as sports clubs, community facilities and even local pools to provide healthier food and drink options.
Vic Kids Eat Well focuses on four key actions and provides clear, simple and achievable steps to making healthy food and drink options available for kids. By harnessing the power of community and taking simple steps together, we can create change to give all kids across Victoria the healthy start they deserve. For more information you can visit the VKEW Website
SCHS is lucky to be linked with a Healthy Kids Advisor, an initiative lead by the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Foundation on behalf of the Victorian Government. The Healthy Kids Advisors are based in 13 communities to provide hands on support for places where children and families gather, including schools, sports clubs, outside school hours care (OSHC) and community/council operated facilities.
Mildura local, Tara Martin, is located at SCHS and works with these groups to achieve Vic Kids Eat Well recognition. If you are wanting support or more information contact Tara via email
Other contacts at SCHS include:
David Hall – Health Promotion Officer (schools)
Jade Cavallo – Public Health Nutritionist (council owned facilities)