Sunraysia Community Health Services

Physical Health Therapy

Our Physical Health Team includes Physiotherapists, Exercise Physiologists and Allied Health Assistants working together to support clients to move well and stay well in the community.


Please call SCHS for information on your eligibility for this program.


Allied Health Consultations

Chargeable services – fees are capped at 4 per month including Group Sessions and Community Health Nursing.

Click here for Client Fee Schedule.


Phone SCHS on 5022 5444 to make your appointment.

Our Physical Health Team

Our Physical Health Team includes Physiotherapists, Exercise Physiologists and Allied Health Assistants working together to support clients to move well and stay well in the community.

  • Physiotherapists are healthcare professionals who assess, diagnose, treat, and support clients to prevent disease and disability through physical means.
  • Exercise Physiologists are healthcare professionals who specialise in clinical exercise intervention, education, and behavior change to promote functionality and quality of life.
  • Allied Health Assistants work under the delegation and supervision of the physiotherapists and exercise physiologists to support the provision of individual and group exercise programs.

How can a Physical Health Therapist help you?

Physical Health therapists support you to understand your health condition and maximise your function through physical means. They can help you by listening to your needs and working with you to plan the most appropriate treatment for you, including setting goals and developing a treatment plan. You will be actively involved in your care.

The Physical Health therapists are experts in movement and function, who work in partnership with you. They will assist you to overcome movement disorders and support you to get back to being involved with the things that are important to you.

Physical Health Services

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about any of our services.

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