Sunraysia Community Health Services

Daybreak - non residential rehabilation

Our Service

The Daybreak program is based on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and is delivered in a group format.

Our Service

Daybreak is a safe and supported environment. We have access to a fully equipped kitchen and participants will be requested to assist with the preparation of lunches each day. Food for lunch and snacks are provided, as well as tea and coffee. There is also some provision for breakfast if required. Core units and wellbeing/elective activities will be conducted throughout the day.

The program runs from 9am – 3pm Monday to Thursday (public holidays excluded).Once eligibility has been confirmed there is no waiting period to start the program.

Participants are expected to commit to attend the full program.

Daybreak does not offer detoxification nor referral to residential rehabilitation. Please see your individual AOD counsellor for these options.

Who can use this service

Anyone over the age of 18 years, who is actively reducing their use or has achieved abstinence.


There is no cost for this service


To be referred to our Drug Treatment Services, Please contact the Victorian Catchment Agency:

Referrals via ACSO:
Phone: 1300 022 760

For more information about the program and how to access it contact the daybreak facilitators on or (03) 50 225 444.

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