Sunraysia Community Health Services

Palliative Care

Palliative Care is specialised care that helps you live well with a life-limiting illness. The aims of palliative care are to make you comfortable, to improve your quality of life and to support family and friends involved in your care.


Early referral to any of our palliative care services can help people with a wide range of conditions such as cancers, chronic diseases, dementia and degenerative conditions for people of all ages, cultures and beliefs. Palliative care is not just end of life care.

Who can refer


Make an appoinment

Phone: 5022 5444


Make a donation to our service

If you would like to make a donation to our service, in memory of your loved one or otherwise, you can do this at Please ensure to note Palliative Care as the service you would like your dontation to fund.

You can also contact us or post to:

ATTN: Donations – Palliative Care Service
Sunraysia Community Health Services
PO Box 2803

Our Service

Palliative Care is specialised care that helps you live well with a life-limiting illness. The aims of palliative care are to make you comfortable, to improve your quality of life and to support family and friends involved in your care. 

Palliative care doesn’t just treat your body. It also cares for your social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs. Palliative care looks after you as a whole person. Because palliative care focuses on your quality of life, it helps you to live as well as possible and, when the time comes, to die in comfort.

Your palliative care team can help you to plan ahead and share your wishes about your care and other arrangements. Palliative care assists you to be at peace with yourself and those you love, as it can be very helpful to talk about fears, feelings and any regrets with those close to you. 

Not everyone who receives palliative care is about to die. Some people live with their condition for a long time, others have periods of wellness, and some may recover. People can move in and out of palliative care as their needs change. Hope continues to be important; what one hopes for, however, may change. 

Palliative care services work with you, your family, your GP and other health services to provide the best possible care within the Mildura and outlying Ouyen, Murrayville and Robinvale areas.

Palliative Care Services

Palliative Care Advice Service

Phone based service for anyone

The Palliative Care Advice Service is a phone-based service for anyone seeking access to specialist guidance and advice for those living with a life-limiting illness and those who support them. The service is for family, friends and neighbours as well as all healthcare workers.

Specialist nurses and doctors

Specialist nurses and doctors provide information about serious illness and symptoms, being a caregiver and the palliative care service system. For healthcare workers, it offers guidance about prescribing, symptom management, locating appropriate services and decision-making.

The Advice Service is free

The Parkville Integrated Palliative Care Service at The Royal Melbourne Hospital runs the service from 7am – 10pm, seven days a week. The Advice Service is free, confidential and available for everyone in Victoria.

To contact the Palliative Care Advice Service you can call 1800 360 000 or visit for further information.

Please use this form to enquire
about any of our services.

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