Family Violence Services
- Readiness to discuss violent, abusive or controlling behaviours.
- Willingness to keep their partner/ex-partners, children and other family members and significant people in their lives safe.
- Consent to practitioners having regular contact with any partner/ex-partners, and other family members that may or may not have been effected by violent, abusive or controlling behaviours.
- There is no cost for this service.
Make an appoinment
Phone SCHS on 5022 5444 and ask to speak to our Family Violence Services team.
Men’s Referral Service – 1300 766 491
Life Line – 13 11 14
Kids Help Line – 1800 551 800
Accident & Emergency Department
Mildura Base Hospital – (03) 5022 3333
Location & Hours
137 Thirteenth Street (Cnr Deakin Avenue)
Monday to Friday
8:30am to 5:00pm
Our Service
We provide support services for men who would like help to identify, understand and take responsibility for their abusive behaviours.
Our services provide an opportunity to create safe and respectful relationships with partners, ex-partners, children and other family members. Participants are supported to learn new ways of dealing with their emotions and are provided tools and strategies to put in place to help them practice self-care and choose more positive options when faced with a crisis.
Men are encouraged to talk, share, and reflect on the impact their behaviours have on the people they care about and the impact their behaviour can have on future generations.
Men interested in creating respectful, non-abusive relationships are welcome to attend an assessment. The assessment runs over two sessions with a Family Violence Practitioner. The purpose of the assessment is to determine how the service can be of support, and what program is best suited.

Family Violence Services

Family Safety Contact (FSC)
The Family Safety Contact (FSC) program supports affected family members of the men who are attending Family Violence Services at SCHS.
The purpose of contact is to engage around risk assessment and safety and to provide referrals to other services.

Caring Dads Program
The Caring Dads Program supports fathers to learn about how to engage in respectful, non-abusive parenting, and recognise the importance of setting a positive example for their children.
The program is designed for men who use violent, abusive or controlling behaviours or are at risk of doing so.

Post Engagement Program (PEP)
The Post Engagement Program (PEP) offers further support for men who have disengaged or completed the Men’s Behaviour Change Program. PEP Case Management helps men to address barriers to engaging in MBCP.
For men who have completed MBCP and have enjoyed being supported in a group environment, there is a monthly social group to help sustain positive change.

Family Violence Case Management (FVCM)
Family Violence Case Management (FVCM) is a 10-session program that aims to increase motivation for change and help men who use violence to develop strategies and skills that promote respectful relationships. FVCM does not take the place of the Men’s Behaviour Change Program Group. It is available in conjunction with group, to support men to become ‘group ready’, and to help men:
- Recognise abusive patterns and tactics
- Take responsibility for their use of violence
- Address other psychosocial issues by offering referrals to other services

Men’s Behaviour Change Program (MBCP)
The Men’s Behaviour Change Program (MBCP) is a therapeutic group program for men who have used violent, abusive or controlling behaviours towards a family member.
The program is based on two (2) principles: that women and children have the right to live their lives freely and safely; men who deny them this right need to take responsibility for their actions and choose to change.
SCHS provides the MBCP within the Northern Loddon Mallee region. Group programs are provided in Mildura and online for clients based around the Swan Hill area.
The program is designed to engage men in a minimum of 40hrs of group work over 20 weeks. Group sessions involve intensive work to enable men to accept responsibility for their choices and behaviour.
The program provides an environment to learn non-abusive behaviours, challenge old ways of thinking and acting, develop a caring respect for self and others, and accept responsibility for their behaviours and the consequences of their actions.
Would you like to know more about one of our services?
Ask us below.
*Please note appointments can not be made online.
Please speak with our friendly team at frontline to make an appointment: (03) 5022 5444