Sunraysia Community Health Services

The Family & Child Hub

Our space is your space. A place where you can drop in any time and receive information, care and support, use our facilities, catch up or wind down.

The Family & Child Hub

Our team provides support, education and advice about caring for children with a sensitive, individual approach. We work in partnership with you, to assist you in developing skills and increasing confidence and enjoyment in pregnancy and parenthood.

We have experience working with families during pregnancy, early parenthood and beyond. Parents and carers can attend the Family and Child Hub for information, advice, one on one consults and group education sessions.

Feed and change facilities avalable.

Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies

The Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies (HMHB) program provides friendly and caring support for pregnant women.

We understand there are a number of challenges women can face during pregnancy. These challenges can impact on the social and emotional wellbeing of themselves, their unborn child and family members.

Our service will help to make sure you and your baby stay happy and healthy.

Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies supports pregnant women and their babies to live a healthier and happier life.

We can meet you in a place you feel most comfortable such as your home, out in the community or attend your appointments with you. We can support you with:

  • Social and emotional wellbeing.
  • Accessing pregnancy care.
  • Getting ready for the baby to come and support with getting what the baby needs.
  • Provide health education for you and your baby, which may include smoking, nutrition, drug and alcohol use, exercise.
  • Understanding Centrelink payments
  • What to expect with a newborn and your first few weeks at home.
  • Helping you link in with other community groups and services you may need.

Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies is not a clinical antenatal (pregnancy) care service.

Who can use this service?

Pregnant women can refer themselves during their pregnancy.

Health professionals or family service providers can refer pregnant women needing help to access antenatal care or other support services.

INFANT Program

The INFANT Program has been developed by Deakin University and is run in partnership with Mildura Rural City Council.

There are four group sessions which run for around 90 minutes and are delivered when infants are 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. This allows the necessary information to be delivered at the most appropriate time.

The program runs with existing groups and will help improve your knowledge of infant feeding and active play. You will be able to use what you learn to carry on health behaviours through future stages of your child’s development.

Many parents describe the first two years if their baby’s life to be a challenging time – with so many choices and mixed messages around what is best for the baby.

The INFANT Program can give you the support and knowledge you need to feed and pay with your baby with confidence.

A trained health professional will support you and provide information and advice.

Who can use this service?

All parents and carers of infants aged 3-12 months of age. You will be placed in a suitable group based on your baby’s age.

Anyone who takes close care of your baby is welcome to attend the program. This includes one or both parents, aunties, uncles, grandparents and other caregivers


The INFANT Program is completely Free.

Birth Debrief

The Birth Debrief Service at the Family & Child Hub provides an opportunity to talk about your birth story with a registered midwife.

Birth debriefing is an opportunity to talk openly about your experience of birth and get clarification on any questions to help understand what happened and why some decisions were made. Many women and their partners find this helpful after a traumatic birth or when preparing for the birth of another baby.

This service is conducted by a registered midwife. Midwives are trained in providing pregnancy, labour and birth related care and offer support throughout both your pregnancy and birth journey.

Our midwife is not a trained counsellor or psychologist and does not provide psychological support. We aim to provide understanding of events surrounding the birth and bring relief from any unresolved feelings. The midwife will provide referrals to psychological services if needed.

You can access this service whenever you feel you are ready to discuss your birth experience. For some people this may be as early as 6 weeks after baby is born, others might wait several months or even years. It can also be helpful when planning a new pregnancy or preparing for an upcoming birth.


Any person who wishes to debrief their own birth experience can access this service by contacting the Family & Child Hub. Your GP, maternal and child health nurse, midwife, obstetrician or other professional may also make a referral on your behalf and the team from The Family & Child Hub will contact you to make an appointment.


In line with SCHS policy, fees are determined at intake based on family income.

Parent Support Service

The SCHS Pregnancy and Parent Support Service works towards a community where:

  • Pregnant women and significant others are well, supported and prepared for parenthood.
  • Children are healthy, safe, respected and develop to their full potential.
  • Parents / carers are knowledgeable, skilled, confident and supported.
  • Parents / carers and children enjoy positive interactions and relationships.

SCHS Pregnancy and Parent Support Service provides:

  • Pre-parenting support
  • Breastfeeding education & support
  • Assistance with sleep and settling
  • Help to understand unsettled babies
  • Support for parents to understand and respond to infant and child behavior
  • Circle of Security Parenting program
  • We tailor our support to meet the unique needs of your family


The SCHS Pregnancy and Parent Support Service are available to all families in the Sunraysia region who are seeking support to parent or provide care to children.


In line with SCHS policy, fees are determined at intake based on family income.

  • Low income: $12.50 per visit
  • Medium Income: $20.50 per visit
  • High Income: $124 per hour

Please use this form to enquire
about any of our services.

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